I realised that I cut the previous hexagons a bit close to the outer stitching line and so I had a fiddle to cover them with the backing piece one it was turned over to the front in a double hem so this time I have left a good half inch beyond the actual hexagon measurement. Here is hexie 3 anyway....my only comment would be to explain that where the black/multi-coloured braid goes up over the Apricot coloured braid, it will be removed as it is the outer 1/2 inch and then the folded over hem will cover the next half inch............moral is, don't sew late at night when you are (a) tired and (b) have drunk two glasses of wine, blah.........
Thursday, 26 June 2014
Hexagon three finished - Lonely little dog
I have finished this hexagon which I really loved because of the image of the little dog in the centre. The quote underneath the dog (which is now covered up by fabric) read "Wandering in and out all day, wondering why you're so long away." Isn't that gorgeous, obviously a postcard to a friend who has been out of touch for awhile but the dog looks so cute that I'd love to give him a cuddle......
I realised that I cut the previous hexagons a bit close to the outer stitching line and so I had a fiddle to cover them with the backing piece one it was turned over to the front in a double hem so this time I have left a good half inch beyond the actual hexagon measurement. Here is hexie 3 anyway....my only comment would be to explain that where the black/multi-coloured braid goes up over the Apricot coloured braid, it will be removed as it is the outer 1/2 inch and then the folded over hem will cover the next half inch............moral is, don't sew late at night when you are (a) tired and (b) have drunk two glasses of wine, blah.........
I realised that I cut the previous hexagons a bit close to the outer stitching line and so I had a fiddle to cover them with the backing piece one it was turned over to the front in a double hem so this time I have left a good half inch beyond the actual hexagon measurement. Here is hexie 3 anyway....my only comment would be to explain that where the black/multi-coloured braid goes up over the Apricot coloured braid, it will be removed as it is the outer 1/2 inch and then the folded over hem will cover the next half inch............moral is, don't sew late at night when you are (a) tired and (b) have drunk two glasses of wine, blah.........
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